Our Core Values
and Learning Habits
The personal qualities and attributes we value most highly amongst ISPH students, staff and community.
The personal qualities and attributes we value most highly amongst ISPH students, staff and community.
Valuing everyone whilst acknowledging our diversity.
Recognising, enjoying and valuing the talents, contributions and achievements of everyone.
Looking after ourselves and being compassionate towards others and our environment.
Being enthusiastic and excited about our learning and development. Being inspired and being a source of inspiration.
Thinking imaginatively and approaching tasks in new and inventive ways.
Being trustworthy and reliable. Making the right choices and accepting the consequences.
Respecting the rights and status of others and ensuring equal opportunities for all.
Being honest, fair, courageous and articulate in defending our beliefs.
Exchanging and expressing ideas or information confidently and creatively in a variety of ways.
Tackling unfamiliar situations and taking on new challenges with courage and
Making responsible decisions and taking appropriate action to become a self-reliant learner.
Showing curiosity by questioning, investigating and evaluating to
develop our understanding.
Working positively and productively with others irrespective of difference.
Reviewing success or failure and moving foward.
Sharing our skills and ideas; working and learning together towards a common goal.
Seeing a task through to completion, trying out new approaches and overcoming setbacks with a positive attitude.