Our Students
Student Council
At ISPH, the students are expected to show leadership through their personal conduct and by holding formal leadership roles. The Student Council is one example of this. Every class from Year 1 to Year 11 elect a Student Council representative who serves for one academic year. In the Primary School, the students work alongside a Primary School class teacher; in the Secondary School, the students chair their own meetings. Both Primary and Secondary Student Councils work together on school enrichment activities which add significant value to the life of the school and also give the students a forum in which to feedback their opinions.
Head Students and Secondary Prefects
There is a tremendous culture of student leadership at ISPH. Our students are determined, passionate and conscientious young people who are determined to make a difference at ISPH, in our local community and in the wider world. We provide leadership opportunities throughout the school and leadership is not exclusive to our most senior students. Leadership roles include Head Students, Senior Prefects, Primary Play Leaders, House Captains & Vice Captains and our Student Council. Leadership at ISPH extends outside of the classroom as well. This might be leading a group towards a team presentation, captaining a sports team or conducting a musical ensemble. Our Head Students and Secondary prefect team lead the majority of these areas and guide the work and efforts of younger students.
House System
The House system at ISPH is a very important part of the school’s ethos and students are incredibly loyal to their House.
All students belong to one of our 4 Houses named after different animals endangered in South East Asia and represented by a different school colour. The house names are Ho (Orange), Rua bien (Green), Te giac (Red) and Voi (Purple).
Our houses compete fiercely against one another across the year in a wide range of competitions in the hope of winning the House Cup presented on the last day of term. The competition rewards and house points earned by students through each week are kept as a running tally and each week the latest house point scores are announced in our Friday assembly. Houses are led by two staff Heads of House, one secondary house captain and two primary house vice captains.