Our engaging maths program helps students to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills, improve their time management and assess risk, allowing them to think analytically and independently in an abstract way.
Maths is an essential subject for all learners; it encourages the development of mathematical knowledge as a key life skill, and as a strong basis for more advanced studies. Maths is hugely valuable in the workplace and provides the tools required for understanding Science, Engineering, Technology and Economics.
At ISPH the curriculum aims to build learners’ confidence by helping them develop competence and fluency with mathematical concepts, methods and skills, as well as a feel for numbers, patterns and relationships. The study of maths allows children to think independently in applied and abstract ways and reason and assess risk. The curriculum also places a strong emphasis on solving problems, presenting and interpreting results and students gain an understanding of how to communicate and reason using mathematical concepts.
Students are actively encouraged to explore the subject through:
National/ international competitions: Students will have the opportunity to enter school competitions such as the Math Olympiad, UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) Challenge.
Additional Maths: Additional Mathematics is intended for high ability learners and students will be invited to join the course.
Maths club: An extracurricular activity where students are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge and practice exam techniques.

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