Through the STEAM learning approach, our students will develop transferable skills like critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, collaboration to become confident young learners, preparing them for the future world they will lead.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) is rapidly becoming an imperative part of the learning experience for our students in the 21st century. It plays an important role in helping our students develop academic, social and personal success.
The curriculum at ISPH allows children to explore, question, research, discover and exercise innovative building skills using a variety of mediums. Students will be exposed to the creative process in meaningful ways that increase critical thinking skills and encourage them to solve problems in a unique manner. It also promotes working in collaboration with others, resilience and allows students to create their own learning journey.
At ISPH, STEAM is exploring the subject through focusing on:
Paper Roller Coasters: A collaborative project, students consider the actual physics of roller coasters whilst trying to build a structure that supports itself.
Scratch: An introduction to computer programming using the Scratch online platform, students will carry out a variety of projects both individually and collaboratively.
Simple Machines: Students are encouraged to build a simple machine of their choice, ranging from catapults and rubber band cars to mechanical hands and hydraulic bridges