In line with our mission & vision and commitment to academic excellence, ISPH is  proud to offer a Scholarship Programme for Outstanding Students. The Programme  provides the opportunity for new students to receive a world-class international education by enrolling at ISPH, with support for tuition and other associated school fees. 

Applications are invited for entry to Year 10 in August 2025 and will continue for the full  two-year IGCSE course. There is the possibility of the IGCSE scholarships continuing into Years  12 & 13 for A-Level study in preparation for university entrance. Please see below for further information about the ISPH Scholarship Programme, and how to apply.


Applicants and their families are encouraged to download and read the Key Stage 4  Curriculum Guide:

https://bit.ly/ISPH-KS4Guide, which provides detailed information  about programmes of study at ISPH for IGCSE.


  • To reflect our school mission and vision. 
  • To offer a world-class international education to exceptional students who would otherwise be unable to attend ISPH. 
  • To attract students who are positive role models for others. 
  • To attract students who make exceptional contributions to the school. To develop awareness of the school and further develop its reputation. 


Students applying for the ISPH Scholarship Programme must meet the following basic criteria: 

  • Have family circumstances such that they would otherwise be unable to attend ISPH.  
  • Have exceptional academic potential with a high level of spoken and written English.  
  • Have an excellent track record of behavior, conduct, and attitude to learning.  
  • Consideration is also made of any specific individual talent in such areas as sports,  music & the arts. 
  • For entry in August 2025, students must be of suitable age for joining Year 10 at the  beginning of the IGCSE programme. Please see below for details.


  1. Complete the ISPH Scholarship Programme Registration 2025-2026 form.

  2. A member of ISPH staff will be in touch regarding your registration. The ISPH Scholarship Programme Application Form will be sent to successful registers. 

  3. Complete the ISPH Scholarship Programme Application Form. 

  4. Deliver the completed Application Form and supporting documentation (as listed on the Application Form) to the ISPH Admissions Office by the deadline of 10th January 2025. 

  5. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a writing test and first interview with ISPH teachers. 

  6. Successful candidates after that will be considered by our Scholarships Panel at the final interview, which includes the Principal and members of the ISPH Board of Trustees. 

  7. Successful applicants will be offered a place on the ISPH Scholarship Programme commencing in August 2025.


What are the criteria for applying for the ISPH Scholarship Programme? 

Successful applicants for the ISPH Scholarship Programme will be students  with high levels of academic attainment. They should have strong spoken and written  English and be role-models of good behavior with excellent attitude to learning. 

Applicants should be at the correct age to join Year 10 for the 2025-26 Academic Year.

Students should have family circumstances such that they would otherwise be unable  to attend ISPH. Families will be requested to provide evidence of this during the  application process. 

How many scholarship places are available? 

There is no fixed number of scholarships available; this is dependent on the quality  of the applicants and availability of places within our Year 10 class for 2025-26.

What is offered as part of the scholarship programme? 

Scholars will receive a discount of up to 90% on the published Tuition Fee, Application  Fee, Registration Fee depending on the individual situation of each  family. 

Only the Tuition Fee, Application Fee and Registration Fee are included in  the scholarship programme. Such things as meals, uniforms, transport, books, materials,  examination fees, instrumental teaching, activities, trips, etc, are not included. 

How are candidates selected? 

Candidates are carefully selected based on their application form and supporting  documentation, including the writing test and letters of recommendation. Our  Scholarships Panel, which includes the Principal and members of the ISPH Board of  Trustees, review all applications and invite the most suitable candidates to school for  interview. During the interview stage applicants will take the online CAT4 tests (Cognitive Ability Tests) and a writing test in school. 

For how long is the Scholarship offered? 

Scholars will join ISPH at the beginning of Year 10 and will continue for the full two-year  IGCSE course. There is the possibility of the ICGSE scholarships continuing into Years 12 and 13  for A-Level study in preparation for university entrance. Continued placement on the  ISPH Scholarship Programme is subject to the scholar meeting the expectations  outlined in the Scholarship Agreement. 

Can existing ISPH students apply to join the Scholarship Programme? 

The Scholarship Programme is only open to new students. Current ISPH students and  families are very welcome to recommend the Scholarship Programme to suitable  candidates. 

I have other questions about the Scholarships Programme. 

Please feel free to contact us at scholarships@isph.edu.vn with any questions or to  request further information regarding the ISPH Scholarships Programme. A member of  our school staff will be very happy to assist you.

Thank you for your interest in the ISPH Scholarships Programme and we look forward to  receiving your application.

2. ISPH Recognition of Excellence Award:

Recognition of Excellence Award

The ‘Recognition of Excellence Award’ is a special honour given to students who show outstanding dedication and talent in their specialist field. This recognition is exclusive to those who also contribute significantly to our school’s success in addition to their representative honours, aligning with our commitment to fostering excellence in everything that we do.

The award takes the form of an annual percentage discount on tuition fees up to a maximum of 30%. The ‘Recognition of Excellence Award’ is reviewed on an annual basis and may be withdrawn if the student no longer meets the expectations or criteria for the award. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Is enrolled as a student at The International School @ ParkCity Hanoi.
  • Has a good record of discipline and conduct.
  • Is representing the district/state/national at local/international tournaments and events.
  • Has won prestigious awards and been given recognition in their specialist area.
  • Has supporting documents relevant to the award which must be endorsed by parents and the relevant awarding bodies.

How To Apply

1. Applicants must submit a letter of application to the Principal to include such things as:

  • Why do I deserve this award?
  • What do I contribute to The International School @ ParkCity Hanoi?
  • What are my objectives as a musician/athlete/etc?
  • What are my ambitions after completing my education at The International School @ ParkCity Hanoi?

2. Attach supporting documents, certificates, awards, photographs, etc.

3. Attach a copy of the applicant’s most recent school report.

4. Attach at least 2 letters of reference from teachers at school and/or adults from outside the school explaining why they believe         the applicant should be considered for the award.

Applicants and their parents may be required to attend an interview with members of the School Leadership Team. 

Note: The school reserves the right to award the ‘Recognition of Excellence Award’ to students as they see fit. The decision of the school is final and there is no right to appeal. Any offer of this award cannot be used in conjunction with any other incentive or discount offered by the school.